Change, whether it's the gradual shift in seasons, or sudden like an unpredictable storm, it's bound to happen. The changes in my own life over the past year and a half, are obvious when I take to the time to reflect. And each one held its own set of struggles and benefits. There is a change today in the name of this blog, from "One Magical Moment Per Day," to simply "Magical Moments." For 582 days, I've made an effort to choose one positive moment to write, sing, or video about and share with whoever feels compelled to follow this blog. And while I no doubt will experience numerous more of these moments on a daily basis, I've decided to lessen my posts. I began this blog during a time when I needed accountability within myself to choose to see the positive aspects and beauty throughout difficult situations. My original intent was to post one of these moments every day for one year. When a year came and went, I still felt like I had much more...