I thought I'd share part of another nearly complete track from my album that I'm working hard on with Modern Vintage Recordings. It is HARD to do background vocals! Since I've written these songs myself, I've only heard the melody in my head for so long, that it's difficult to hear new harmonies. Thank goodness for Jason Cummings who has harmonies oozing out his ears and has arranged most of these. This video was taken directly after we finished background vocals for "How I Say Goodbye." Definitely the most upbeat and country sounding track on the album. Actually more like "ho-down" sounding. But it's a fun song. Enjoy! (And keep in mind, the track is far from being refined, mixed, and mastered). Here are posts as I chronicle my album recording with Modern Vintage Recordings: 1 . Optimistic Gamble 2. Sophie's Choice 3. Pre-Production Meeting Two 4. Redeemed 5. To Accordion or not to Accordion, that is the Question 6. Fifth