Today is my 100th blog. I began writing “One Magical Moment Per Day,” to turn my attention away from the things in my life that I saw as failure. Writing this forced me every day, to search for something positive and inspiring, no matter how sad, angry, or hopeless I felt while pursing my dream of becoming a musician and performer. I didn’t know how long this blog would last when I wrote " Magical Moment 1 ." I remember being surprised that I was in the thirties, then fifties, and now the triple digits. One thing is certain, I would not have made it to a 100 blogs, or made it 6½ months in NYC without support and encouragement from others. I cannot express the gratefulness I feel when I read a comment at the end of my blog, or see “like” under the facebook link. I would have given up long ago if not for my ever supportive grandmas, sisters, parents, husband, friends, and family. Sometimes I look for encouragement in quotes, and have shared some of my favorites below. But the...