After 6 hours of playing piano for ballet rehearsals today, I began to grow weary of my usual song selection. I've spent the last few months building my ballet repertoire and no matter how much I practice, my song list seems to barely increase. For an Adagio exercise, I flipped through one of my song books that I rarely use for ballet, The Big Broadway Fake Book. I stopped at the first 3/4 song I saw, "Try to Remember." All I knew about this song, was that it's a corny Tom Jones song, but rather than repeat an old song, I decided to just wing this one. As I played the music though, I got caught up in the lyrics written beneath the notes. Maybe it's because we just celebrated Memorial Day. Maybe it's because I saw a photograph recently that triggered a memory. Whatever it was, I was flooded with thoughts of my friend Kevin, an Army Lieutenant who was killed in Iraq 4 years ago. Of course I thought about him on Memorial Day. I remember him on 9/11, the Fourth...