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Magical Moment 347, "Warmth"

There are times when it just feels like nothing is right. When all the weight of the universe is beating down on me and I can’t seem to find anything positive, despite the obvious blessings that so abundantly surround me. They say that the countless wonderful things in life are forgotten in an instant as soon as one negative thing happens. Maybe that’s why God gave us memories. They’re like comfort food, like a blanket in the cold, or sometimes like medicine. You keep them stored and then pull one out when you need it. But I think that too is a choice. Happiness is an effort. And that’s kind of what this daily blog is about.

Today, I was encouraged by a long forgotten memory, when I watched a young teenager exit the passenger side of a car. Her father was dropping her off for ballet class. She simply said, “See you after class, dad. Love you.”

Suddenly, who knows why these ancient thoughts appear after a decade or more of absence (I suppose because I needed it today), but I was flooded with memories of my own dad. I can’t recall one single day, out of all the thousands of times he dropped me off at school growing up, that I didn’t lean over to the driver’s side of his pick-up truck for a kiss on the cheek and a “love you.” Even as a teenager, even if my friends were watching, even if I was in a hurry. It was habit. And this happy recollection turned into dozens more, lifting my spirits.

I tip my hat to the Creator who cares about little ol' me, even about the sparrow who falls out of the sky, so much that He led me to that moment today. At that specific time, in ear shot of that young girl, at this ballet class in New Jersey. When I needed a warm blanket, I got one, and it was enough to bear the rest of cold.


Lori said…
How wonderful that you were witness to this sweet simple act so that you could be reminded of a truth in your life. I like the thought that memories are like our comfort food. My heart was very warmed by your words thankful I had the opportunity to stop by and read them. So glad you got a blanket...blessings. XX
Hilary said…
What a beautiful gift this was - what you witnessed and how it evoked your own fond memories. And of course again in the sharing. Thank you for this.
Steve Gravano said…
Beautiful, funny how we sometimes find what we need in the acts of others.
thanks for the link to Leslie Pearson's site, her work is beautiful
Sueann said…
Beautiful!! And congrats on your POTW award!
Lori said…
Had to come back and say congratulation on POTW at Hilarys...very well deserved and I especially loved this post.
Lori, I'm thankful that you stopped by...twice! :)

Hilary, thank you for your kind words and for listing me on your POTW. I'm very honored.

Steve, absolutely true. I'm glad you enjoyed Leslie's site. Take care.

SueAnn, thank you for the congrats! I'm glad you enjoyed the post.
LadyFi said…
What a wonderfully inspiring post! Thank you.
Anonymous said…
I can see why you received Hilary's POTW. What a heartwarming post, and one that makes us realize that we all need to take the time to notice and appreciate the small blessings that surround us every day.

ethelmaepotter! said…
This brings to mind those commercials we're seeing lately - some car - where the kids are embarrassed to have their friends see them with their parents because they're not in such and such car. No thoughts of an "I love you," "See you later," certainly no kiss. I like to think that the world is not so much the way it is portrayed on these commercials, but rather the way you and your Dad bonded.
Congrats on POTW!
Robin said…
It's true... Amazing how He throws sweet serendipities our way, especially when we so desperately need them. If only more of us would recognise when God is there for us, is blessing us in the little things...
MaggieGem said…
Thank for sharing this wonderful, warm moment! Great post!

Congrats on POTW
Anonymous said…
You are a very wise young lady. These are truly what life is about and I am a very rich individual. Your #1 Fan.
LadyFi, Thank you so much. I'm glad you found this post inspiring. :)

Jillsy Girl, Thank you for your kind words. Hilary's POTW is indeed an honor.

Ethel, Yes I know what commercial you're talking about. I imagine you're right and the "real" moments are ones of tenderness and love. Congrats on your POTW as well. :)

Robin, thanks for your comment on this post and the others as well. I'm so glad you found some others to enjoy.

MaggieGem, Thank you for the congrats. Take care! :)

Thanks dad. Love you.
Joanna Jenkins said…
You made me smile.... and think about my dad. Thank you.
Congrats on your POTW from Hilary.
Cheers, jj
Unknown said…
Wow. That is so beautiful. I love that you saw this moment and you relished it. I love your blog and your way of looking at life. thank you for helping me remember to celebrate the small things every day.
sleepinl8 said…
this is raw and honest. I could go on and on about it, but i have to go and plus that would require brain power, which i don't have right now lol. anyways keep up the incredibleness! (whoops that's obviously not a word because Spell Check just underlined it in read XD)
Unknown said…
It's so good to have loved, and to have been loved, isn't it? We are rich, you and I.
Deborah said…
I am so glad I came across your site! As you suggested I went back to your very first post and read that first. I have found myself in a similar place. I am picking myself up, dusting myself off and starting a new journey too. I look forward to reading more of your posts and getting to know you better. (and just for the record after reading that first post, I firmly believe the word "should" must be stricken from the english language.)
Joanna, I'm glad that you had a warm thought of your dad also! Thanks for the congrats.

Life with Kaishon, Thank you for your heartfelt comment. I'm so glad you enjoy the blog, I enjoy yours quite often as well. Take care.

SleepI8, Incredibleness works for me! Thanks for stopping by, I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

Susan, you said it! Thanks for reading.

Deborah, I'm also glad you came across my blog! Thanks for looking at the first post. Good luck with your journey as well. I had a moment to glance at your blog and I can't wait to look at it more. Thanks again and take care! :)
Sandra said…
I love this. And that you have such positive memories of your dad and your loving relationship. Congrats on POTW. Well deserved.

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