These pictures of Emily the cat pretty much sum up how lazy this Sunday has been.
I put a treat right in front of her face, but she couldn't expel the energy to eat it.
She wanted it, but she just couldn't muster up the strength.
That's about how I felt at 4 in the afternoon when I realized I hadn't eaten anything yet. I was so hungry, but the kitchen was sooo far away. Good thing Eddie offered to take me out tonight. If I can just make it to the bedroom to put on shoes....
Our dog (Sasha) can be like that with treats too. I have to invoke the spirit of our long lost cat, Lola, to get Sasha to eat it. She had a real hate on for Lola and the mere mention of Lola will cause her to eat the treat - just in case Lola should come back and try to eat it ;-)
Rick, funny about Sasha. My dog LOVES the cat, but the cat...not so much to the dog.
Ds, yep dinner was a success. Maybe Emily and your kitties are cousins? :)
Birdie, exactly! Need to get motivated today though!
Deborah, Thank you!
Linda, Thank you. Yes, she's gettin a little pudgy
She is so purrrrrtyyyyyy!!!!