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Magical Moment 545, "If I was a Squirrel, I'd Live in the Grand Canyon"

Okay, this may be the best photo I've ever snapped in my life. Someone who is great at making up captions, please. This picture seriously needs a good one.

Dinner with a view.

High rise apartment.

These little critters are just hoping the nature-starved tourists will drop a crumb. He thinks my camera is a candy bar.

Scratch that. If I was a HUMAN, I'd live at the Grand Canyon!


laughwithusblog said…
I'm so jealous. I wish I were there right now! We are DYING in this Texas heat. Great pictures!
TexWisGirl said…
sadly, all i can think of right now is "For the love of God, send some rain!" but it looks like he might be getting some coming up behind him. sigh...
Unknown said…
Oh great squirrel god in the sky, I beseech thee, send help.

I've been digging and digging and digging and digging and I just can't find my nuts.
Birdie said…
OMG, that first one could be a post card! I love it!

I had a Magical Moment today. There is a little girl (about 3) across the street that visits her grandma. Today her dad dropped her off and as he was getting back into the car the little girl yelled out, "Daddy, I love you with my single heart!"
holdingmoments said…
Will you PLEASE turn down the heat!!!

I love all these, excellent captures.
Anonymous said…
I could get really silly trying to come up with a caption for that one! Your photos just keep getting better and better ... just another reason of many to enjoy your blog!
Esther, it gets pretty hot during the day then really cools off at night. It's so pretty!

TexWisGirl, I was thinking something along that line too!!! :)

Susan, I am Laughing Out Loud!!!! I like the second one for sure!!! :)

Birdie, thanks! I love your Magic Moment!!! That is too precious. Makes your heart melt.

Holding Moments, thank you! Of course, it's easy to take good pictures out here among all this beauty! :)

Robin, I am really getting into the photography lately! And out here in the Grand Canyon, I just can't stop myself from taking pictures. Thanks for the kind words!
I agree with roobo69...your photos ARE getting better and better...and I don't think it's just because of the natural beauty of the area. These are all wonderful. I'm not good at clever captions, so I'll leave that to someone else. It IS a great shot, though.
Rick said…
"O Lord, won't you send me a big bag of nuts,
Mine dropped off the cliff here, you know I'm a klutz,
I promise to share them, and not be a putz,
O Lord, won't you send me a big bag of nuts."

(with apologies to Janis Joplin)

Beautiful photos Elizabeth ! I've spent some time just looking at your recent posts - gorgeous scenery !
Dawn said…
Oh My Goodness! I LOVE that shot!!!!! HOW did you get him to pose?;)))
This totally made my evening. Heck! It made my whole weekend:))))))
Linda, you're too kind! But thank you. I really am enjoying learning more about photography!

Rick, another good caption! All of them seem to do with praying! :) Glad you enjoyed the last few posts.

Dawn, well the truth is....Eddie was holding a piece of bred above him and he wanted it SO bad!!! Lol! There's the secret. These squirrels were very brave around humans! :)
"Thank you GOD for another beautiful day!" I know that's I would be saying looking at those views!...:)JP
Hilary said…
Wow.. that is a fabulous shot.. they all are. Beautiful.. and so darned cute!
Busy Bee Suz said…
That first shot is just amazing....makes that lil guy look angelic. :)

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