Living near New York City definitely has it's perks, as well as it's draw backs. Perks: going to Broadway shows whenever you want, exposure to all different cultures, the finest art, the best music, and no shortage of interesting things to do. Draw backs: public transportation, cold winters, hot summers, rude people, dangerous traffic. It's a balancing act, but one that I've enjoyed for the year and a half we've lived here in northern New Jersey.
In that short amount of time, our family and friends have come to visit, and we've taken them all to the touristy, "must-see" spots such as Times Square, the Empire State Building, etc. Today, we took my mother-in-law to see the Lion King on Broadway. The show was mind-blowingly well-produced, with ingenious costumes, lighting, and set pieces. I don't want to give too much away because if you're ever in New York, you must see it. However, it is no secret that the show has managed to bring to life the magical animation of the beloved Disney characters with costumes and props that will make your jaw drop.
At one point in the show, a colorful bird flew directly in front of my eyes. I gasped and smiled in delight, then I turned my head back and forth to figure out how it was done. Behind me, a man was holding a wire and was controlling the bird much like you would a kite. He fluttered and flipped the exotic creature through the air, and when I caught his eye, he flashed a huge smile at me. I was absolutely tickled pink that he directed the bird to swoosh by my face. Out of all the times it's happened to me before, I had never been so happy to be flipped the bird in New York City.
And here I thought it would be a post on all the drivers who are impatient:)
Linda, I was wondering how they would do it as well, but I was pleasantly surprised. :) Broadway shows always leave me feeling inspired and creative.
Dawn, Ha ha! tricked ya! :)