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Magical Moment 582, "A Change"

Change, whether it's the gradual shift in seasons, or sudden like an unpredictable storm, it's bound to happen. The changes in my own life over the past year and a half, are obvious when I take to the time to reflect. And each one held its own set of struggles and benefits. 

There is a change today in the name of this blog, from "One Magical Moment Per Day," to simply "Magical Moments." For 582 days, I've made an effort to choose one positive moment to write, sing, or video about and share with whoever feels compelled to follow this blog. And while I no doubt will experience numerous more of these moments on a daily basis, I've decided to lessen my posts. 

I began this blog during a time when I needed accountability within myself to choose to see the positive aspects and beauty throughout difficult situations. My original intent was to post one of these moments every day for one year. When a year came and went, I still felt like I had much more in me, and it was not time to stop. And I'm glad that I didn't because I have learned an enormous amount about finding inspiration in things that 2 years ago, I would have glanced right past. But forcing myself to sit with those moments, sort them out, write about, and share them, has given me insight, encouragement, and pride I would not have otherwise known. 

So while I continue to search for, experience, and share these magical moments, I will no longer be doing so every day. Thank you to those of you who follow this blog, or just stop by when you can. I'm certain I wouldn't have kept it up this long if not for the readers and encouraging feedback. 

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending."
-Maria Robinson

First Post, Feb 4, 2010 


TexWisGirl said…
as long as you still share moments that make us wonder, smile and admire everyday things and people, we won't mind how often you do or don't post. :)
I've often marveled that you could have such good content on a daily basis. That's more than I've been able to do. I'll continue to look forward to whatever and whenever you do post.
I agree that it is tough to write each least I have difficulties writing each day...I think about the moments though. You have written exceptionally well. Take a day to rest:)
Unknown said…
I support you in however you'd like to change what you want to share: sometimes moments aren't so magical, yet it's important to share those, too.

To find the joy, the beauty, the wonder in life is a beautiful decision to make. It speaks to the gratitude you feel.

But when I look back at the Psalmist, not all of his moments were filled with worship. Sometimes, he railed at God! And every generation has needed those words as well. When we read someone else's thoughts, who feels what WE ourselves have felt, it brings comfort. And, can still point us back to the One who is the source of the greatest comfort.
Jayne said…
Elizabeth- Needing accountability was a large part of why I started my blog, too. Writing every day is not easy though--we must reserve time to live life, and enjoy those magical moments.

I've added you and your new blog title to Google follow and my reader. Looking forward to reading more of your lovely magical moments. :)
Anonymous said…
Well, I will be a little sad that I won't be able to read your blog daily, but at the same time I understand how difficult it is blogging every day while one has a regular life too! I look forward to reading whenever you do get to post...
Leontien said…
Well i think you did a fantastic job! I really have LOT's of respect for everybody who writes every day! i think it is a great undertaken and a magical moment in itself! I am gonna keep following you no matter how often you post! ;-)

Rick said…
I always enjoy reading your inspirational, or humorous, or whimsical posts, and of course, listening to some tickling of the ivories occasionally. It is certainly a challenge to post daily, and you've attained your goal of finding magical moments in each day - which you'll continue to do.

Thanks for sharing them and I'll look forward to whenever you share more.
you have just an amazing thing going here :)
Busy Bee Suz said…
I don't know how you have done it for as long as you have...kuddos to you. {it is hard to do everyday!}
I am inspired by all of your magical moments!
Dawn said…
Well Magical Moments is a wonderful title still. And I truly know how you feel about the way you began and the reason for doing so.....and how things change.
Funny....I did a "change" sort of post too...and I believe I am meaning it for all areas including my blog as well.
Thank you for sharing your Moments. They are Magical.
momcat said…
I found your site by accident after being told I had a "drinking problem" I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving of yourself. I found hope,encouragement and courage. I will surely follow your wit and sensitivity for as long as you write. Your intense message of Magical Moments made me look for those moments in my life. Today, I remain sober and hopeful. Thank you so very much.

Hilary said…
Honestly, I don't know how you manage to turn out such fine posts every day. You're a wonder. No matter how frequently you post, I know that your content will be a treat. Just keep on enjoying what you do. A different schedule will be way easier on you.

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