I never sold Girl Scout Cookies. I usually failed miserably at school fundraisers when I had to sell candy bars or magazine subscriptions. It just seemed weird asking people to buy things I knew they didn't really want. That's why I'll never make a very good politician or car salesman.
But perhaps it's different when the idea you want to impress upon other people is something you actually believe in. For me, that is music. My music. So here goes. Here's my best shot. Just call me "Big Al" from exit 40 off the interstate.
There is a website called Sellaband that helps unknown, undiscovered, broke artists fund their ultimate dream: recording their album. The artist creates a profile with samples of their music and a plan of how they intend to record their project, and people can scroll through the thousands of artists and choose to contribute to their cause. They can contribute anywhere from $10 to $30,000. And for each amount, there are certain incentives. For example, if someone contributes $20, they'll receive my free autographed CD when it's completed. The incentives get bigger as the numbers go up. My main prize? I'll write a personalized song about you, with your name in the chorus and include it on the album for $15,000! Not bad, eh? :) While I would certainly accept $15K, I actually set a small goal of about $5,000. That number by no means will fund a full album, but if it were met, it would certainly help Eddie and I with this tremendous project we've taken on.
The progress I've made thus far on my album is exciting. Modern Vintage Recordings and I have completed recording the instruments for 10 tracks, and vocals for 1. It's amazing to think that once the rest of the vocals are finished, the album will be practically complete!
Those who contribute on sellaband are called "Believers." And that's what it takes. A leap of faith on someone's talent that in the end, will be worth it. Luckily I already have a few Believers and I would never let them down. So if you're interested, stop by the site (www.sellaband.com), type "Elizabeth Grimes" into the artist search box, and take a look. Believers aren't limited to giving money. God knows some of my most powerful Believers and supporters simply gave a kind word of encouragement. And those are priceless!
Some links to my work:
- http://www.youtube.com/bethsmusicvideos
- http://www.youtube.com/elizabethgrimes83
- http://www.myspace.com/maryelizabethgrimes
An old blog post from when I first opened my sellaband account:
Magical Moment 68, "Who Wouldn't Want a Song About Them?"
I mean, really! Let me list just a few of the timeless classics that name the object of ones affection in the chorus: “Amie” by Pure Prairie League, “Hey There Delilah” by Plain White Ts, “Jolene” by Dolly Parton, “Bobby McGee” by Janis Joplin, and TONS more.
Well my friend, I am here to offer you the deal of a lifetime – your very own song, professionally recorded, on a real live album. The catch you may ask? NOTHING! …except fifteen thousand dollars. But other than that, NOTHING!
All you have to do is go to this website: www.sellaband.com, type in Elizabeth Grimes in the search box, and click Fund this Artist 1500 parts. This will fund 75% of my album (production, mixing, engineering, photography, distribution, etc.). And once 100% of my goal is reached, I can record a top notch, grade A, music industry standard album that will most certainly propel my career to new heights.
On this album, should you choose to fund 1500 parts, will be a specially written song, in your honor, with your name sung in the chorus, ringing out like an ancient bell in a towering tower. Like a bird chirping its’ beautiful song while flying above white, fluffy clouds. Like an angel choir descending from the Heavens. Like the sea as it washes up and down the sand while the sun sets in a pink sky. Like the melodic poetry of Shakespeare, so can your name be forever timeless in a recorded song.
Don’t think I can do it? Think your name isn’t poetic enough for a song? Oh, I can do it, my friend. Watch. Lloyd, is it? Well Lloyd, watch this.
No one can love me like my Lloyd.
My heart soars and I’m overjoyed.
For his love is never void.
Oh no one can love me like my Lloyd!
Now imagine it with pianos, guitars, back-ground vocals, verses, a bridge, a key change. Starting to feel it? Hard to resist, eh? You may be thinking, “but I was going to buy a car with that money.” Which one lasts longer, a Honda that you’ll replace after a few years, or a song that will forever be a part of culture and a symbol of our times? I think the question answers itself.
I know people will be racing to be the first person to fund 1500 parts to Elizabeth Grimes at www.sellaband.com, so HURRY! The song goes to the first person to do so. Time is running out. Don’t let your chance for musical immortalization slip away!
It was built on a musical theme
to really go far
perhaps become a star
If donations would come in a stream !
Good luck Elizabeth !